Show results and other achivements 2019:

2019 is over and we are so proud of our dogs!


NUCH NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly:

- 3. Most winning Chinese Crested in both NKK and NCCK.

- 2. Most winning female in NCCK.

- 2. Most winning naked in NCCK.

- She gained the title NORWEGIAN SHOW CHAMPION!

- She won BEST BITE on the breed Special 2. Year in a row!


Absolute Souls Mamma Mia:

- 5. Most winning veteran in NCCK.


Absolute Souls Merengue:

- 9. Most winning junior in NCCK.

- 7. Most winning female-puppy In NCCK.

- She won BEST SKIN on the breed special.

Co-owner: Veronika Drange Hinderaker (Kennel Crested Vixen).


Absolute Souls Pasodoble:

- 7. Most winning Chinese Crested in NCCK.

- 5. Most winning male in NCCK.

- 6. Most winning naked in NCCK.

- 2. Most winning junior in NCCK.

- 10. Most winning male-puppy In NCCK.

- BIS-Junior at the breed special!

Owner: Camilla Meyn (Kennel Boys Boys).


Absolute Soul:

2. Most winning kennel in NCCK.

Christmas show at Letohallen 29.12.19:
Adults judge: Andi Hudono (Indonesia):
Ch. NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 2. best ch. female w/CQ and 3. best female.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. and 2. best veteran female.

Puppies judge: Arne Foss (Norway):
Absolute Souls Glamourous Onyx: 1. best male 4-6 months, 1. best male and BOS-puppy.
Absolute Souls Sparkling Topaz: 1. best female 4-6 months and 2. best female.
Ale Gwiazda Akizabo: 4. best female 4-6 months.

NKK Lillestrøm 16.11.19:

Judge: Hans Almgren (Sweden)

NUCH DKCH Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 2. best champion male w/CQ and 4. best male.
Absolute Souls Merengue: 1. best openclass female w/CQ. (Co-owner: Veronica D. Hinderaker)
NUCH NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 2. best champion female w/CQ, 2. best female w/res. CACIB.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: 2. best veteran female w/excellent.

NKK Lillestrøm (Norwegian Winner 2019) 15.11.19:
Judge: Paul Lawless (Ireland)

NUCH DKCH Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 2. best champion male w/CQ.
Absolute Souls Merengue: 2. best junior female w/CQ and reserve NJV-19 (Co-owner: Veronica D. Hinderaker)
NUCH NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 2. best champion female w/CQ, 4. best female.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: 3. best veteran female w/excellent.

Stord 10.09.19:
Judge: Frode Jevne (Norway)

Absolute Souls Merengue: 1. best junior female w/CQ, 1 best female and BOB (Co-owner: Veronica D. Hinderaker)

Drammen 01.09.19:
Whippet judge: Helen Johnston (England)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: Good.

Hamresanden 25.08.19:
Chinese Crested and group judge: Martin Anton Baskaran Soto (Spain)
NUCH DKCH Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 1. best champion male w/CQ, 1 best male and BOS..
NUCH NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 1. best openclass female w/CQ, 1. best female, BOB and BOG 4.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: 1. best veteran female w/CQ, 4. best female and BOB-veteran.

Whippet judge: Martin Anton Baskaran Soto (Spain)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: Exc and 5. best openclass male. (Co-owner: Therese O. Brovig)

Hamresanden 24.08.19:
Chinese Crested judge: Erwin Deutscher (Austria)/Group judge: Wim Wellens (Netherland)
NUCH DKCH Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 2. best champion male w/CQ and 2. best male.
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 1. best openclass female w/CQ, 1. best female w/CAC, BOB, BOG 4. and Norwegian Show Champion!!!
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: 1. best veteran female w/CQ, 4. best female and BOB-veteran.

Whippet judge: Anthony Moran (Ireland)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: VG. (Co-owner: Therese O. Brovig)

NKK Lillehammer 18.08.19:
Judge: Anette Edlander (Sweden)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: VG. (Co-owner: Therese O. Brovig)


Whippet special Lillehammer 17.08.19:
Judge: Ales Novak (Slovenia)
Absolute Souls Earthquake; Exc. 3. Best openclass male (Co-Owner: Therese O. Brovig)


Skudeneshavn 27.07.19:
Judge: Gunnar Nymann (Sweden)
Absolute Souls Merengue: 1. best juniorfemale w/CQ, 1. best female w/CAC, BOB, BOB-junior and shortlisted in group 9. (Co-owner: Veronica D. Hinderaker)

NCCK Breedspecial 07.07.19:
Judge: Ondrej Dudas (Slovakia)
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: 1. best junior male w/CQ and BIS-junior.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 4. best ch. male w/CQ.
Absolute Souls Merengue: 3. best junior female w/CQ (nominated to best bite and skin, won best skin).
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 1. best openclass female w/CQ and 4. best female w/res. CAC (nominated to best movements, head and bite, won best bite (second year in a row).
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: 1. best veteranfemale.
Absolute Souls Breedinggroup: HP and BIS-breeder.

NKK Trondheim 30.06.19:
Judge: Frank Christiansen.
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: 1. best junior male w/CQ and 4. best male w/res. CAC (Owner: Camilla Meyn)

Ølen open show 15.06:
Absolute Souls Merengue: BOB, BIG 1 and BIS 2 (Co-owner/Handler Veronika D. Hinderaker)

NKK Sandefjord 01.06:
Judge: Elisabeth Feuz (Switzerland)
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: 2. best junior male w/CQ and 4. best male w/res. CAC.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 2. best ch. male w/CQ and 3. best male.
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 1. best openclass female w/CQ and 3. best female.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: 1. best veteran female w/CQ, 4. best female w/res. CAC and BOB-veteran.

Orre 26.05:
Judge: Per Kristian Andersen (Norway)
Girls Girls Fast And Furious: VG and 1. best junior male.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. 1. best veteran female and BOS veteran. 

Trondheim int. LC competition 19.05:
Absolute Souls Hurricane (Whippet) achieved a 2th place w/CAC in class 1.

Nordic NKK Ålesund 05.05:
Judge: Kari Granaas Hansen (Norway)
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: 1. best junior male w/CQ, 2. best male w/res. Nordic CAC 
(Owner/Handler: Camilla Meyn)
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 1. best youthclass female w/CQ, 1. best female w/Nordic CAC and BOS.

Int. NKK Ålesund 04.05:
Judge: Irene Mcmanus (Scotland)
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: 1. best junior male w/CQ, 2. best male (Owner/Handler: Camilla Meyn)
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 1. best youthclass female w/CQ, 1. best female w/CAC and CACIB and BOB.

Letohallen 28.04:
Judge:Carmen Navarro Guisado (Spain)
Absolute Sous Pasodoble: 2. best male w/CAC (Owner/Handler: Camilla Meyn)

Trøgstad int. LC competition 28.04:
Absolute Souls Hurricane (Whippet) achievied a 4th place in class 1 in his first LC competition.

Varhaug 14.04:
Judge: Svend Løvenkjær (Denmark)
Girls Girls Fast And Furious: 1. best junior male w/CQ, 1. best male w/CAC, BOB and BOB-junior.
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Habanero: 1. best youthclass male w/CQ, 2. best male.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 1. ch. class male w/CQ and 3. best male.
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 1. best youthclass female w/excellent.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: 1. best veteran female w/CQ, 3. best female and BOB-veteran.
Absolute Souls Breedingclass: HP.

Varhaug 13.04:
Judge: Anca Giura (Romania)
Girls Girls Fast And Furious: 1. best junior male w/CQ, 2. best male w/res. CAC and BOB-junior.
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Habanero: 1. best youthclass male w/CQ, 1. best male w/CAC and BOS.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 1. ch. class male w/CQ and 3. best male.
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 1. best youthclass female w/CQ, 1. best female and BOB.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: 1. best veteran female w/CQ, 3. best female and BOS-veteran.
Absolute Souls Breedingclass: HP and BIS 4.

NKK Bergen 07.04:
Judge: Anthony Moran (Ireland)
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: 1. best junior male w/CQ, 1. best male w/CAC, Nordic CAC and BOB
(Owner/Handler: Camilla Meyn)
Absolute Souls Merengue: 1. best junior female w/CQ and 4. best female
(Co-owner/Handler: Veronika D. Hunderaker)

Kristiansand (Røde Kors) 07.04:
Absolute Souls Earthquake (Whippet): Approved visit dog. He was 1/4 that managed all 4 tasks to be a visit dog.

NKK Kristiansand 16.03:
Chinese Crested judge: Lisbeth Campbell (Norway)
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: 1. best junior male w/CQ and 3. best male w/CAC (Owner: Camilla Meyn)
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: 3. best championclass male w/CQ.
Absolute Souls Merengue: Exc. 1. best junior female (Co-owner: Veronika D. Hinderaker)
Absolute Souls Magical Trickster: Good (Co-owner: Laila Aske)
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: 2. best female w/CQ, res. CAC and res. CACIB -> CACIB
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. and BOS-veteran.

Whippet judge: Ms. D. Stewart-Ritchie (Ireland)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: Exl. 3. best openclass male. (Co-owner: Therese O. Brovig)

Letohallen 03.03:
Judge: Sara Nordin (Sweden)
Absolute Souls Merengue: 2. best female-puppy.
Co-owned/Handeled by Veronika D. Hinderaker (Kennel Crested Vixen)

Letohallen 02.03:
Judge: Marie Callert
Absolute Souls Merengue: BOB-Puppy.
Co-owned/Handeled by Veronika D. Hinderaker (Kennel Crested Vixen)

Ølen 09.02:
Judge: Iuza Beradze (Czech Republic)
Absolute Souls Merengue: BOB-Puppy and shortlisted in group 9.
Co-owned/Handeled by Veronika D. Hinderaker (Kennel Crested Vixen)

Lethohallen 20.01:

Judge:Arild Thorvaldsen/Wim Wellens
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: BOB-Puppy, BOG 1. and BIS 2!
Owned/Handeled by Camilla Meyn (Kennel Boys Boys)

Letohallen 19.01:
Judge: Elisabeth Aune Moseby
Absolute Souls Pasodoble: BOB-Puppy and BOG 4.
Owned/Handeled by Camilla Meyn (Kennel Boys Boys)