Results 2018:

NCCK Clubvinning list 2018:
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells:
10. Most Winning Chinese Crested.
4. Most Winning Male.
8. Most Winning Naked.
5. Most Winning Stud dog.
NJV-18 Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly:
7. Most Winning Female.
1. Most Winning Junior.
10. Most Winning Naked.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia:
5. Most Winning Veteran.
Absolute Soul:
4. Most Winning Breeder.

NKK Lillestrøm 18.11 (Norwegian Winner Show):
Chinese Crested judge: Kimmo Mustonen (Finland)
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc.
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly:
Exc. 1. Best junior female w/CQ and Norwegian Junior Winner -18.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. and 2. Best veteran female w/CQ (Reserve Norwegian Veteran Winner -18)
Whippet judge: Gyorgy Dr. Tesics (Hungary)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: Exc. 

NKK Lillestrøm 16.11 (Nordic Winner Show):
Chinese Crested judge: Eli-Marie Klepp (Norway)
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 2. Best champion male w/CQ and 3. Best male.
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 2. Best junior female w/CQ. (Reserve Nordic Junior Winner -18).
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. and 3. Best veteran female.
Whippet judge: Ingrid Krah-heiermann (Germany)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: VG.

NKK Orre 16.09:
Chinese Crested Judge: Svein Bjarne Helgesen (Norway)
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Habanero: Exc. 1. Best junior male.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells:
Exc. 3. Best champion male.
Absolute Souls Magical Trickster: Exc, 1. Best junior female w/CQ, 3. Best female w/res. CAC
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 2. Best junior female.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. 1. Best veteran female w/CQ, 5. Best female and BOB-veteran.
Absolute Soul breedinggroup: HP.
Whippet judge: Berri Beare (Ireland)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: Exc. 1. Best openclass male w/CQ, 3. Best male w/res. CACIB.

Hamresanden 26.08:

Judge: Vilmos Kardos (Hungary)
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Habanero: Exc. 1. Best junior male.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 1. Best champion male w/CQ, 1. Best male and BOS.
Absolute Souls Magical Trickster: VG, 2. Best junior female
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 1. Best junior female w/CQ, 1. Best female, BOB, BOB-junior, BIS 4-junior.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. 1. Best veteran female w/CQ, 2. Best female and BOS-veteran.
Absolute Soul breedinggroup: HP and BIS 1.

Hamresanden 25.08:
Judge: Sean Delmar (Ireland)
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Habanero: VG, 1. Best junior male.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 1. Best champion male w/CQ, 2. best male
Absolute Souls Magical Trickster: Exc. and 2. Best junior female
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 1. Best junior female w/CQ, 1. Best female, BOB, BOB-junior, BIS 4-junior.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. 1. Best veteran female and BOS-veteran.
Absolute Soul breedinggroup: HP and BIS 2.

NKK Sandefjord 03.06:
Judge: Agneta Kappers (Sweden)
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 3. Best champion male.
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 2. Best junior female w/CQ, 3. Best female w/res. CAC

Drammen CC Breed Special 02.06:
Judge: Ray Morland (England)
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 3. Best champion male w/CQ.
Also nominated to: Best Bite, Best Skin and Best Movements
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 2. Best junior female w/CQ.
Also nominated to: Best Bite, Best Skin and Best Head. She won Best Bite.
Both: Competed in Best Pair together and won.

Orre 27.06:
Judge: Eli-Marie Klepp (Norway)
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Habanero: Exc. 1. Best junior male w/CQ, 2. Best male w/CAC
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 1. Best champion male w/CQ, 1. Best male and BOS
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 1. Best junior female w/CQ, 1. Best female w/CAC, BOB and shortlisted in group 9.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. 1. Best veteran female and BOB veteran.
Absolute Souls Breedinggroup: HP and BIS 4.

Varhaug 25.03:
Judge: Ann-Christin Johansson (Sweden)
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Habanero: Exc. 1. Best junior male.
Absolute Souls I'Ve Got Magic In Me: VG and 2. Best junior male.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 1. Best champion male w/CQ, 1. Best male and BOB.
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 1. Best junior female w/CQ, 3. Best female w/CAC and BOB-junior.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. 1. Best veteran female w/CQ, 1. Best female, BOS and BOB-veteran.
Absolute Souls Breedinggroup: HP and BIS-1.

Varhaug 24.03:
Judge: Marie Bailey (Ireland)
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Habanero: Exc. 1. Best junior male.
Absolute Souls I'Ve Got Magic In Me: Exc. 2. Best junior male.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 1. Best champion male w/CQ, 1. Best male and BOB.
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 1. Best junior female w/CQ, 2. Best female w/res. CAC and BOB-junior.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. 1. Best veteran female w/CQ, 4. Best female and BOS-veteran.
Absolute Souls Breedinggroup: HP and BIS-4.

NKK Kristiansand 18.03:
Judge: Rudi Brandt (Denmark)
Absolute Souls Earthquake: Exc. and 4. Best Openclass male.

NKK Kristiansand 17.03:
Judge: Gina Ekström Persson (Sweden)
Absolute Souls I'Ve Got Magic In Me: Exc. 1. Best junior male.
Ch. Absolute Souls Ring My Bells: Exc. 1. Best Ch. class male w/CQ and 3. Best male w/res. CACIB
Absolute Souls Spicy Hot Chilly: Exc. 1. Best junior female w/CQ and 3. Best female.
Absolute Souls Mamma Mia: Exc. 1. Best veteran female and BOS-veteran.

NKK BØ 17.02:

Judge: Brit Schøne Brodwall (Norway)

Absolute Souls Earthquake: VG.